Weenen Game Reserve
Established in 1975, Weenen Game Reserve is 5 000 ha in extent. This area of attractive, undulating thornveld is a valuable addition to the nature conservation areas of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands.
Activities in Weenen
There are 30 km of tourist roads available to view a wide variety of game. Species include black and white rhino, giraffe, kudu, hartebeest, eland, zebra, ostrich and common reedbuck; whilst such species as grey duiker, bushbuck, steenbuck, black-backed jackal, hyeana and mountain reedbuck have recolonised the area naturally.
Over 250 species of birds have been recorded in the reserve. Three picnic sites with toilets, running cold water, and barbeque facilities are available; one is at a view site overlooking the Bushman’s River valley. Two game viewing hides (Ufudu and Mpofu) are situated at watering holes where several species of mammals and a variety of water fowl can be viewed.

Wagendrift Dam
Wagendrift Dam and Moor Park Nature Reserve is situated just off the N3 highway near Estcourt. The reserve is roughly 980 ha in extent and includes a popular picnic and fishing spot. An Iron Age site dating back to AD 1300 is found on Makhabeni Hill overlooking Moor Park and is listed as the first known Iron-Age settlement in southern Africa. On the southern side of the dam there are large fossil beds with many fossilised trees lying exposed at ground level.
Activities in Wagendrift
Boating and fishing are the main activities in this resort. There is a registered boat club, the Bushman’s Boating Club. It is not necessary to belong to the club to use the dam for boating. Boat skippers are required to be in possession of a skippers licence. No overnight fishing is permitted. Scaly, bluegill, bass, carp, eel and the occasional trout are caught in the dam by keen freshwater fishermen.