Municipal Vision
“By 2035 Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality commits towards a corrupt free, infrastructure development, poverty eradication and moral society whose citizens engage with each other on the basis of Ubuntu Botho”
Municipal Mission
Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality shall grow and prosper its residents through championing sustainable growth, local economic development, Equal opportunities, public participation, democratic processes and good governance.
Municipal IDP Strategic Objective
Provision of quality basic services and infrastructure.
Economic growth and development that leads to sustainable job creation.
Fight poverty and build clean, healthy, safe and sustainable communities.
Integrated Social Services for empowered and sustainable communities.
Foster participatory democracy and Batho Pele principles through a caring, accessible and accountable service.
Promote sound governance
Ensure financial sustainability
Optimal institutional transformation to ensure capacity to achieve set objectives

Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality shall grow and prosper its residents through championing sustainable growth, local economic development, Equal opportunities, public participation, democratic processes and good governance.