Counsellor S.W Khumalo
The Local Government Municipal structures Acts Provides that each Municipal Council must have a Chairperson who is called the Speaker.
Cllr SW Khumalo was elected to serve as the Municipal Speaker by the council from among the councillors at the first sitting of the council after the local government elections. The speaker acts as a chairperson at the council meetings, and ensures the compliance of the Council Code of Conduct rules and orders.
Cllr SW Khumalo ensures the proper functioning of the legislative side of the council, and it is required to be impartial. The Speaker also ensures community participation in legislative initiatives and communicates with the public on the performance of the Council.
Cllr SW Khumalo as the Speaker is a full time councillor. The functions of the Speaker are set out in Section 37 of the Municipal Structures Act as follows:
In addition to the statutory functions listed the Office of the Speaker is also responsible for the functions listed hereunder:
The Role of Traditional Leaders in Municipality
Within the Inkosi Langalibalele Municipal jurisdiction we have the following Traditional Councils
Telephone: 082 342 7722
Fax Line: 036 352 5829
Civic Building
1 Victoria Street