Mr S.B Mthembu
Municipal Manager
The following sections are overseen by the Office of the Municipal Manager
Internal Audit
Our Internal Audit Section has two sub-units namely the Risk Management Unit and Forensic Services Unit:
Risk Management Unit
This unit is responsible to coordinate and facilitate risk management processes within the Municipality. This unit ensures that there are policies and procedures in place to enable the implementation of risk management processes. Risk Management assists the Municipality in ensuring that objectives that have been set are achieved within a tolerable degree of residual risks.
The results of the risk assessment are the basis of the annual internal audit plan. All officials are responsible to incorporate risk management processes in their day to day activities.
Performance Management Section
What is Performance Management?
Performance Management is a Strategic approach to management, which equips leaders and managers on different levels with a set of tools and techniques to ensure efficient and effective service delivery
Why Performance Management for uThukela District Municipality?
The White Paper on Local Government (1998) proposed the introduction of performance management systems to local government, as a tool to monitor service delivery progress at local government. It concludes that the integrated development planning, budgeting and performance management are powerful tools which can assist municipalities to develop an integrated perspective on development in their area. It will enable them to focus on priorities within an increasingly complex and diverse set of demands and to direct resources allocations and institutional systems to a new set of development objectives.
The Unit is responsible for the following:
Chapters 6 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No.32 of 2000), requires local government to:
Policy and Legal Context for PMS
Integrated Development Plan Section
Amongst others, the following responsibilities have been allocated to the IDP Manager for the IDP process:
Communications Section
Functions and Operations:
Public Participation Section
Special Programs consist of the Following
Gender and Disability Section
HIV and AIDS Section
The section is responsible to promote, advocate, and mobilize support for policies in the District Municipality to advance the rights of the vulnerable.
Roles and Responsibilities of Section
Roles and Responsibilities
Youth Department
Roles and Responsibilities
Telephone: : 036 342 7805
Fax Line: 036 352 7898
Civic Building
1 Victoria Street